MacGiolla Easbuig said: “The savage cuts that this administration have imposed on the health service must be reversed. Fianna Fáil are systematically dismantling and destroying the health service.”
He added: “Throughout the country, including here in the north-west, we have seen ward closures, bed closures, staff reductions and a downgrading of our hospitals and health service generally. Let no one be under under illusion, Lifford hospital is now firmly in the sights of the HSE and its future is under serious threat. The only way that we can prevent this government and the HSE and shutting this hospital is by people power.”
MacGiolla Easbuig concluded: “I would urge people throughout the north west to attend Sunday's demonstration in large numbers. We need to send a loud and clear message to Fianna Fáil and the HSE that as a community we are sick and tired of the savage health cuts being imposed on us, that we deserve a first class health service and that we wont accept the closure of Lifford Hospital or further reduction in services. The message is clear. Fund our hospitals, not the banks.”
It is an absolute disgrace to even consider closing lifford hospital, the HSE has no consideration for the elderly patients that are there and for many it has been their home for a long time, they are very well looked after by the excellent staff and i think it would be callous to remove them from their secure and familiar surroundings.