The socialist republican party’s Ard-Fheis will begin on Saturday with debates on language, culture, political prisoners, international solidarity and socio-economic issues.

éirigí chairperson Brian Leeson will make a keynote speech on the development of the party and the Campaign for a British Withdrawal. Other guest speakers are to be confirmed.
Speaking before the Ard-Fheis, Leeson said: “This is éirígí’s third Ard-Fheis and will mark the steady growth of the party. This gathering holds particular significance for socialist republicans, coming as it does on the 90th anniversary of the First Dáil’s Democratic Programme, the 100th anniversary of Fianna Éireann and in the week of the anniversary of James Connolly’s execution.
“éirígí has been highly active on a number of issues over the past twelve months and is now, more than ever, a radical alternative to the right-wing politics of the establishment, which has led the people of Ireland into a cul-de-sac of economic crisis and continuing occupation.

“The party is looking forward to the upcoming debates and urges all socialist republicans to mobilise against inequality, exploitation and the British occupation over the next 12 months.”
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