For the thousands of commuters making their way to work in Inchicore, Tallaght, Clondalkin, Sallynoggin and other districts of Dublin the banners and posters served as a reminder of the special significance of May 5th.
Speaking about the anniversary éirígí Chairperson Brian Leeson said: “May 5th is a date that is seared into the consciousness of Irish republicans across the world. Even for those who were very young, or not even born, at the time of Bobby Sands’ death the date triggers a range of mixed emotions – of sadness, of loss and of immense pride.
“In marking this date we are also marking the heroic sacrifice made by the other nine hunger-strikers and their families twenty-eight years ago. Their collective strength and determination inspires us to this day and will inspire generations of republicans to come. In remembering their deaths we recommit ourselves to achieving that for which they died – an Ireland free from British occupation.”
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